Just a thought for those out there who, like silly lemings, run after Dan Brown's version of the Gospel. Dan Brown asserts that the Church, under the big-bad St. Peter, tried to stamp out and smear the place of Mary in the Gospels. I think it needs to be noted for all those who treat a work of fiction like some historical essay, that Mary Magdalene, according to the Gospels, was the one chosen by Christ to proclaim His Resurrection to all the world. Those big-bad apostles did a real good job ruining her reputation, huh?
"The Pope highlighted the figure of Mary Magdalene today... saying that she 'plays a principal role in the Gospel.'"
Just a thought for those out there who, like silly lemings, run after Dan Brown's version of the Gospel. Dan Brown asserts that the Church, under the big-bad St. Peter, tried to stamp out and smear the place of Mary in the Gospels. I think it needs to be noted for all those who treat a work of fiction like some historical essay, that Mary Magdalene, according to the Gospels, was the one chosen by Christ to proclaim His Resurrection to all the world. Those big-bad apostles did a real good job ruining her reputation, huh?